Rochelle Takes on Comedy - Be a Doer

March 15, 2022

Guest Column

Wel­come to Rochelle Takes on Com­e­dy” by Rochelle McConi­co. Have an idea you’d like to share in a col­umn? Sub­mit your pitch here: comedywham@​comedywham.​com

Be a doer not a talker - Kevin Hart

Hi! I am a dreamer!

Which sounds beautiful, but much like the bubble gum love that we learn about when we are children, it is much better in theory than in practice. Real day-to-day love is sometimes hard and so is being a dreamer. Being a dreamer means that you can be inspired by all the worlds you build in your brain and crushed by your lack of resources, discipline, etc. to bring those dreams to life. And that’s no fairytale. So to those dreamers out there who have the heart to dream and the courage to bring those dreams to life…Huzzah! Know that I understand and I’m cheering for you.

Who Am I?

I’m Rochelle McConi­co, own­er of Moon­Crick­et Pro­duc­tions, a live com­e­dy event com­pa­ny. I am a standup come­di­an, impro­vis­er, sketch actor, writer, direc­tor, pro­duc­er and pod­cast­er. I am also co-pro­duc­ing the Lysis­tra­ta Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, an all female com­e­dy fes­ti­val in New Orleans, March 18 – 20th. Come check us out! 

You’ll see a famil­iar face — Valerie will be doing the Com­e­dy Wham pod­cast live! I can’t wait to see what insights she pulls out of our headliners!

What's in this blog?
Insight into the ups and downs of being a comedian.

An understanding of how comedy and the comedy business works.

The skinny on shows around Texas.

This Week’s Randomness Packaged as Insight

What’s your vision? What’s the thing that gets you out of bed every­day. I mean it might just be the job that you go to because prac­ti­cal­ly we’ve all got to eat. But life is big­ger than the ham­ster wheel we agree to get on every­day to sub­sist in this society. 

Maybe you want to be a famous mul­ti-hyphen­ate like Tiffany Had­dish. Maybe you want to make movies like direc­tor Bet­ty Thomas (Dr. DoLit­tle, John Tuck­er Must Die). Maybe you want to be Salma Hayek and own your own pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny (Ven­ta­narosa Productions). 

Aside — I real­ize like most peo­ple, I know the names of male direc­tors, come­di­ans, etc. more than females. Excuse my inter­nal­ized sexism.

But here­in lies the kick­er. Most of us are dream­ers but few of us are doers. And before you think I’m get­ting down on you, know that I’m not. I under­stand. There are plen­ty of rea­sons not to do. Good rea­sons. Not excuses. 

But in this post, I ask you to put your vision front and cen­ter. Is it com­pelling? Does it wake you up in the mid­dle of the night? Do you wake up with the future you envi­sion in your mind’s eye? If so, I chal­lenge you to go for it. 

Not with promis­es that it will be easy, but the promise that it will be worth it. We have agency in this world. We are the pow­er in our lives. Whether we choose to access that pow­er to dri­ve our dreams for­ward is a deci­sion each of us has to make. And make and con­tin­ue to make after that. 

This Week’s Show Review and/or Shameless Plug


How difficult is it just to come up with an improvised scene that makes sense? As an unrepentant absurdist, I can tell you it is very hard. Especially when your natural inclination is to go in as a human-sized sentient spoon.

So to watch Pgraph, or Parallelogramophonograph for short, create a whole improvised play with through lines and characters we care about over an hour’s time is a real treat.

The treat - the improvised play - One Night in Bergerville - starring Wendy Berger, not Burger. We watched as Wendy struggled to save her family business while hiring new employees who seem to not not be involved in “accidental” fires at their previous jobs. Helping her out as she serves the cast of characters who live in Bergerville was her longtime employee and confidant, a frisky, smoky-voiced, elderly woman who reminded me of Roz in Monster’s Inc.

Thank you Pgraph for putting on a cool show on a cold night. My favorite part was when Wendy went on a Playboy shoot even though her new employees read Playboy for the articles not the pictures - mostly. Oh and thanks for the physical comedy. I never know what to do with my hands either.

If you haven’t seen the gem that is Pgraph. Do better! Get a ticket and go enjoy improvisation at a high level!

The Pgraph players are below. Follow them… on IG, not to their cars.

Alright y’all I’ll see you next time! Please feel free to leave a comment, or let me know of a show I should go see by hitting me up on IG at @rochelle_war or on FB: MoonCricket Productions LLC. Thank you Comedy Wham for the platform. You rock!

PS: My Venmo is @Rochelle-McConico, and my CashApp is $rochellemcp. Just in case you were wondering. Cheers!

Come See Me!
Mar. 18 Lysistrata Comedy Festival: Skivvies ATX - Hi-Ho Lounge, NOLA 7:00pm
Mar. 21 Skivvies ATX - Creek and the Cave, ATX 7:00pm
Mar. 12th: The Smokeasy Show - The Jungle ATX - 10:30pm
Mar. 18 Lysistrata Comedy Festival: Funny Women Showcase - Hi-Ho Lounge, NOLA 8:00pm
Mar. 18 Lysistrata Comedy Festival: Righteous and Raunchy - Cafe Istanbul, NOLA 6:30pm
April 5th: Comedy Wham Showcase - Hops & Thyme, Lakeway 7:30pm
April 8th: Broken Zoo Comedy - Aviator Nation, ATX 8:30pm
About the Author

Rochelle McConi­co is the founder and CEO of Moon­Crick­et Pro­duc­tions a live enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in inter­ac­tive, mul­ti­sen­so­ry comedic events. She is a vision­ary, writer, pro­duc­er, and per­former. In June 2020, Rochelle launched the Amuse-Bouche Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val to show­case the many great impro­vis­ers, com­e­dy pod­cast­ers and stand-ups in New Orleans and per­formed as all three. 

Rochelle also wrote, direct­ed, and starred in three plays cen­ter­ing her alter ego char­ac­ter, bil­lion­aire media heiress Stan­gela Angela Hemsworth Kings­ley Winthrop Farouk Adams III. I’m Only Here for the Snacks, and Stan­gela for Pres­i­dent were both fea­tured at Infringe Fest 2018 and 2019. Her third play Stangela’s Swamp Thing is cur­rent­ly in pro­duc­tion and pre­mieres June 2022. Rochelle also co-pro­duces and co-hosts the com­e­dy-advice video pod­cast Not Anoth­er Black Show and a bi-month­ly live-streamed show — The Book­club. Both shows are designed to take on seri­ous top­ics and be seri­ous­ly funny. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, Rochelle is a mem­ber of the mul­ti-tal­ent­ed No Lye Com­e­dy col­lec­tive — a group of dynam­ic Black femme come­di­ans. With No Lye Com­e­dy, Rochelle co-pro­duced and co-wrote the sketch and vari­ety show Comedy.Peridot, per­formed sketch in the Dal­las Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val and the Los Ange­les Diver­si­ty in Com­e­dy Show­case (LADC), and per­formed improv in the inau­gur­al 2019 New Orleans Improv Fes­ti­val and 2021 Baton Rouge Improv Fes­ti­val. Rochelle has also writ­ten and per­formed for Mor­phed, a month­ly stand-up and sketch show in New Orleans, and per­formed stand up in the Black Girl Gig­gles Festival.

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