Ky Krebs Finds Who He Always Was

December 23, 2017

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In the arse­nal of tools required to be suc­cess­ful in com­e­dy, self-aware­ness ranks quite high; although it could be argued that some­times a fair amount of self-delu­sion cer­tain­ly can’t hurt. But when it comes to know­ing who he is, and what dri­ves him, Ky Krebs has the skill in spades.

It isn’t some­thing we are gen­er­al­ly born into, and Krebs was no excep­tion. From an ear­ly age (we’re talk­ing the ripe old age of 9), he knew his antics sug­gest­ed a propen­si­ty for per­form­ing, but, grow­ing up in a small Louisiana town, the path ahead was­n’t clear. Inspired by comics like Eddie Mur­phy and Richard Pry­or, as well as try­ing his hand at dra­mat­ic and musi­cal the­ater in high school, the com­e­dy under­cur­rent con­tin­ued to flow in him, but still the ulti­mate out­come was uncertain.

Even after his first open mics in Char­lotte, NC, where he land­ed post-col­lege, Krebs still had­n’t reached the place to real­ly com­mit heart and mind to com­e­dy. At the sug­ges­tion of his sis­ter, he packed up his car and drove to Austin to check it out; he unpacked after a week and has been here ever since.

Sur­pris­ing­ly (to us now), the thriv­ing Austin com­e­dy scene was­n’t part of the deci­sion to move here. Caught up in a rough rela­tion­ship, his focus was on keep­ing that par­tic­u­lar boat afloat. It was through a mon­tage of events (that could have been straight out of a movie), start­ing with a New York City vaca­tion, that sud­den­ly empow­ered Krebs to see him­self, his worth, and the world in a new light. With that aware­ness came a renewed ener­gy to per­form, and 2 weeks lat­er he enrolled in class­es and start­ed hit­ting open mics with a fervor.

Kreb­s’s sto­ry is raw, inspir­ing, and he has plen­ty of expe­ri­ence to share about com­e­dy, writ­ing, and life in gen­er­al. In a career, as in life, where find­ing your own voice is crit­i­cal, he’s well on his way. He reg­u­lar­ly does stand-up, includ­ing Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin; improv at famil­iar haunts like The New Move­ment The­atre; and co-hosts the Extra Salty Pod­cast with pre­vi­ous CW guest Jas­mine Ellis. He hosts his own show, Spit­ballin’, every 4th Fri­day at The New Move­ment. Spit­ballin’ is a rapid-fire chal­lenge that pits comics against new top­ics tossed at them right before they per­form. He even shot for an ambi­tious 300 total per­for­mances in 2017; we won’t spoil how close he is, but let’s just say…very.

Catch Ky Krebs at these upcom­ing per­for­mances, and Spit­ballin’ every fourth Fri­day. Hit up KyKrebs​.com, and his Twit­ter, for more news on shows, pod­casts, and projects.

Ky Krebs