Martin Urbano Loves Comedy

February 13, 2016


The title may sound a bit tro­pish but Mar­tin Urbano real­ly, real­ly loves com­e­dy. His pas­sion has land­ed him in Austin via a route across Texas that would give Fibonac­ci a wet dream. Part one of his con­ver­sa­tion with Valerie Lopez tells of his ear­ly adven­tures and how he got his start in comedy:

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​B​Z​U​v​3​S​2​r​j​D​c​&​w​=​420&​h=315]

In part two of his inter­view, Urbano talks about his expe­ri­ences in Austin, work­ing with Yusef Roach, and two shows he helps host and coor­di­nate: The Damn, Dirty, Filthy Show! at Nasty’s Bar; and The Lit­tle Miss Com­e­dy Pageant at The New Move­ment The­ater.

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​c​6​-​U​b​0​B​4​I​v​M​&​w​=​420&​h=315]

Martin Urbano