Who Is Adam Wolf?

February 1, 2016


Come­di­an, vet­er­tan, and epic inter­net troll, Adam Wolf has been enter­tain­ing the Austin area since 2011, and has been blocked by Don­ald Trump on every major social media plat­form. He can be seen crack­ing wise at open mics around town and doing shows in the Killeen area.

Here’s part one of his inter­view with Valerie Lopez:

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​c​d​i​1​O​q​d​r​h​P​A​&​w​=​420&​h=315]

Part two of the inter­view has Adam talk­ing about his cur­rent projects includ­ing writ­ing for ATX Tonight, and build­ing the Cen­tral Texas com­e­dy scene:

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​R​a​F​I​f​6​-​A​T​54&​w​=​420&​h=315]

Adam Wolf can best be found on his Twit­ter feed, @adamwolf77.

Valerie can be found on Twt­ter at @supermeowy

Be sure to fol­low us on Twit­ter at @comedywham

Adam Wolf