Bucket List at Fallout Theater
December 5, 2024
Welcome to the debut RevEIw by new contributing writer Sam Peirce (we know your brains want to see that as i before e, but don't let the grammar illuminati convince you otherwise!). We're delighted to introduce our readers to Sam. He's a tech and frequent performer at Fallout Theater. You can often catch him on Doghouse and Exploraphoria. Please give Sam a follow on Instagram @samqpeirce
When longstanding Fallout Theater regulars Pronounced Zed were granted their own show, they seized the opportunity to create something unique. Standard improv typically relies on one audience suggestion for inspiration, usually one word, taken from a sampling of different shouted ideas. Bucket List is an improv show with a twist.
“We must use all the suggestions,” Zed member Luke Gaskey says. Every second Tuesday, he and fellow Austin comedians Clayton Chalman, Max Foster, and Zed-associate Garrett Buss perform an hour of rapid-fire improv inspired by audience-penned suggestions on note cards, and they have to get through every single one. The Bucketeers (as they’re called onstage) take turns playing each scene in pairs, and a rotating member rings a bell offstage when it feels right to end. Every written scenario, name, place, inside joke or meme is handled with lightning wit. At the pace they’re going it’s common for the performers to end a scene as quickly as it begins with a quick joke punctuated by a dinging bell. The group’s chemistry is on full display. “We all have known each other for so long that we can predict how the others might or might not interpret certain suggestions,” Foster says. “Because of this, when we have only a handful of seconds to dedicate to each suggestion, we’re able to really shoot them off without much friction, because we have simply seen each other on stage beside us countless times for several years now.”
The show is nearing its two year anniversary in February, though the troupe has been workshopping the concept for much longer. “We’ve been performing as this specific group for only a couple years, but performed alongside each other for many more years,” Foster says. “Bucket List was born out of an improv form we created originally called ‘Buzzsaw’ where we rapidly completed a crazy large amount of suggestions in 15 minutes”. Pronounced Zed hit their stride as a veritable house act for Fallout’s variety comedy hour Exploraphoria. The note-card-marathon got its start there, and was honed into a full length show. “Exploraphoria is what allowed us to experiment with different weird formats and eventually develop ideas that would inspire Bucket List,” Gaskey says.

The Bucketeers provide an experience that guarantees audience participation. It certainly isn’t lost on the troupe that giving the audience free rein to write whatever they want has unlimited potential, and risks. “Excitement is certainly a word one could use to describe it,” Foster says. “Inevitably, whenever you ask an audience member to join in on the fun, there’s always going to be one in every one hundred suggestions that crosses the line.” There are protocols in place to ensure that these moments are handled appropriately and without sacrificing the fun; Zed does this well. Meanwhile the unintelligible is comedy fodder. “If a suggestion is ever incomprehensible we will typically lean into that and make fun of the confusion in the scene,” Gaskey says. “I think it reminds the audience we’re a scruffy, ragtag group that’s hopefully relatable.” Bucket List is even an opportunity for the spectator to lend their own comedic voice. “The funniest suggestion I ever received was ‘Tammy is a slut’, after we realized Tammy was someone’s friend in the audience,” Gaskey says. “In our very first show we got the suggestion ‘Caveman Music’. I enjoy suggestions that are oddly specific. Those force us to get especially creative.”
No matter whether a Bucket List attendee writes a joke about a friend, or ‘Caveman Music’, or something inscrutable, the Bucketeers put on an exhilarating and hilarious show that’s worth seeing. All that Luke Gaskey asks is this: “Stop writing suggestions asking for personal advice. It will never be good advice.”
Need to Know
Bucket List
Austin's premiere paper-based improv show. Watch in amazement as The Bucketeers put the “awe” in audience participation. Audience members get to toss their ideas, suggestions, and contributions into the bucket and watch their ideas come to life!
Next Dates
- 2nd Tuesdays of every month, 9:30pm at Fallout Theater
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