Martin Urbano has Global Rhythm (Volume 4)

May 1, 2024

Photo Credit

Jill Petracek


Valerie Lopez


Richard Goodwin

2024 Moontower Comedy Festival Series

The 2024 Moontower Comedy Festival is blessing us with 2 weeks of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

Mar­tin Urbano Has Glob­al Rhythm

It’s anoth­er des­ti­na­tion” week here at Com­e­dy­Wham, with Valerie on loca­tion at Moon­tow­er, and this week’s guest in from New York (which he has strong, strong feel­ings for).

If you’ve heard of Mar­tin Urbano, it may be from this very web­site (he’s a 4th-time guest), or appear­ances on Jim­my Kim­mel, or per­haps recur­ring char­ac­ter Julio Tam­bi­en on the Hulu show This Fool. Maybe you saw him on stage this year at the Edin­burg Fringe tour, Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, or dur­ing the record­ing of his debut spe­cial (based on Urbano’s Apol­o­gy Come­back tour). Speak­ing of Apol­o­gy Come­back, he’s just come back from per­form­ing at a tour stop in Mel­bourne at the Mel­bourne Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val. All fine choic­es, take your pick.

It's a very specific rhythm
Martin Urbano (on the "feel" of regional audiences)

Urbano seems to pop up every­where, and the glob­al expo­sure has had him think­ing on the dif­fer­ences in region­al audi­ences. Mind you, his mate­r­i­al — sharp, thought-and-or-cringe pro­vok­ing, and maybe just a lit­tle inside — already means the per­fect” audi­ence mix is a tough get, nev­er mind entire­ly dif­fer­ent coun­tries. It’s a very spe­cif­ic rhythm,” he not­ed of find­ing the groove in Mel­bourne, only to find the need to read­just to an Amer­i­can rhythm” when tap­ing his spe­cial.

Appear­ing on Jim­my Kim­mel was far from a smooth ride as well, with the show staff repeat­ed­ly (and con­fus­ing­ly) warn­ing Urbano that he would total­ly bomb, and not to wor­ry about it. For a com­ic who excels at mak­ing the audi­ence feel like he’s on the inside of every joke, the doom­say­ers didn’t seem to squash his ener­gy or spir­it; check out the video of Urbano’s appearance.

The resting heart rate there is high
Martin Urbano (on New York City)

When we talk to a guest from Austin, inevitably we ask when they’re mov­ing away; if they’re vis­it­ing, we want to know when they’ll move here. Urbano, as might be expect­ed, didn’t hes­i­tate announc­ing his deci­sion. I love New York so much. I real­ly love it so much,” he says, not­ing that he does have fam­i­ly in Texas so graces our fair state often. What’s the mag­i­cal draw that has its hooks in him?

The rest­ing heart rate there is high,” Urbano says, and I don’t think I’ve heard it put bet­ter. The con­stant traf­fic, con­struc­tion, and noise from the flow of lives of the 8 mil­lion res­i­dents nev­er stops; if you thrive on social ener­gy, then this is the bee­hive of activ­i­ty for you. Urbano con­firms, that when peo­ple com­plain It’s so loud, it’s so busy”, his first thought is: I like it though!”

So when off stage and not on a plane, what’s going on in Urbano’s world?

The spe­cial is mov­ing into edit­ing for even­tu­al release, and that means meet­ings” (for a New York­er that feels a bit LA). Urbano wants to work on some scripts and hone his writ­ing for TV shows (and pitch one or two). His core focus? From now on, it’s just about mon­ey, success…[throwing the] art out the win­dow,” he says (most­ly jok­ing­ly, we think).

Lis­ten to the episode to find out what else has been hap­pen­ing in Mar­tin Urbano’s life, includ­ing some uncom­fort­able audi­ence nights, and to find out whether he real­ly did or did not steal Valerie’s watch dur­ing the inter­view. Get in line to be first to get his spe­cial (prob­a­bly wait for the con­firmed date, though), or shoot the poor guy some dig­i­tal cash, as he repeat­ed­ly insists I’m all about the mon­ey now.”

With suc­cess like Mar­tin Urbano’s, we’re sure he’s doing just fine…but why take the chance?

Fol­low Martin

Mar­tin can be seen and heard:

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Martin Urbano