Review: Regan and Watkins – Regan and Watkins

June 8, 2019

We’re big fans of Jere­mi­ah Watkins and all of his projects, but this album project is one we’re absolute­ly gid­dy to pro­mote! Watkins and long-time col­lab­o­ra­tor on Kill Tony, Pat Regan band­ed togeth­er to cre­ate Regan and Watkins, the duo and the epony­mous debut album. I say band togeth­er” because this is not a tra­di­tion­al stand-up album, it is an expe­ri­ence, com­bin­ing songs and sketch­es. Pat Regan is not only a come­di­an, but a musi­cian, as is Watkins. Watkins is well-known for his sax­o­phone work, while Regan is a gui­tarist. Togeth­er, this unusu­al com­bi­na­tion, meld­ed with the superb word­play and cre­ativ­i­ty, works to cre­ate an album like no other.

For a debut out­ing, this album–and the accom­pa­ny­ing videos that have been released–launch­es Regan and Watkins into the pan­theon of elite comics who suc­cess­ful­ly deliv­er com­e­dy by way of music — The Lone­ly Island, Weird Al Yankovic, to name a notable few. The fun begins ear­ly in the album and does­n’t let up until the very end. Between orig­i­nal musi­cal works, par­o­dies (I heard takes on the Ramones, Prince, Simon & Gar­funkel, and Blink-182, to name just a few), and the sketch­es (should we be wor­ried about Vic­ki?), Regan and Watkins have demon­strat­ed skill above and beyond a debut release.

The one sug­ges­tion I have for lis­ten­ing to this album: lis­ten start to fin­ish, don’t mix and match or jump around. There’s an intend­ed con­ti­nu­ity between songs and sketch­es that you’ll miss out on if you do it any oth­er way. We hope to see many more Regan and Watkins albums and we ful­ly expect it’ll be called #2, because that would be a fine accom­pa­ni­ment to their #1 album.

The album is out now, so get it from your favorite places right away!